The leaders team , encourage you heartily to marvel at this site. May God bless you abundantly!
On this occasion, we personally invite you to participate at our praise and worship gatherings where we may adore God with Spirit and truth in harmony. Moreover, We admonish through God's word, edifying the saints purposely to serve GOD and his Kingdom! The entire congregations' delight, "het levende brood", IS "THAT YOU MAY BE TOUCHED THROUGH THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN OUR GATHERINGS". When you are looking for a congregation where you may worship the LORD, when you desire to be a part of the great things God does through this ministry; we gladly invite you to come over and have an openhearted discussion with us. Think about it, and pray God concerning, our church is there to serve you. So do not hesitate with whatever question you might have about this ministry. We are equally blissful to receive you as our guest on this web site.
Apostle VUYLSTEKE Luc. founder of EZVi in memorium
As pastor of the gathering "Het Levende Brood" I experience a genuine love and compassion for you and this world that is sinking deeper in chaos, social mayhem, and total destruction,
The poverty gap is getting wider continuously, the discrepancy between good and evil is narrowing incessantly. A twilight zone is more noticeable where each searches his own ideology, truth, peace, justice and way out. However, the only way out is found in Christ Jesus, and Gods' word. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3.16)
We are not interested in presenting you a new religion or a social club!
Nevertheless, We do want to share a living and vital faith with those who are oppressed by life troubles; bondages and diseases that distress them. Together We expect encouraging and practical results on our mutual faith in Christ Jesus! We are looking forward to share the faith and expectations We have, to receive that miracle that you need so urgently. Join today the family of the "Het Levende Brood" community.
Pastor Jenny VUYLSTEKE
Evangelical Missions of Flandres
Stedewegel 1, 8610 Kortemark
Tel: +32 (0) 51/56 92 69
Every Sunday morning 10.00 o'clock gathering with singing and Music, worship and an inspired word of God.
Aunty Nancy or uncle Hans provide childcare during Sunday morning service, where your child is acquainted with Gods' word on an adapted level.
Furthermore, we have the nursery for your babies, in this way parents can give a full ear to the word of God.
" Every Wednesday night at 19.30 o'clock prayer night, including prayers for YOUR needs and sicknesses.
" Every two weeks Saturday morning 09.30 o'clock; contact us for the specific day(Info: 051/ 56.92.69) BIBLESTUDY: Very entertaining and guided by Gods' Spirit Revealing bible studies
pastors: Luc & Jenny Vuylsteke
8610 - KORTEMARK (Werken)
051/569269 // 0488/786507
Judgement upon Israel.
Many Dutch journalists label the Israeli bombings on the Gaza strip as excessive; however, isn't that jumping to conclusions prematurely? Ratna Pelle, co-operator of the website Israel-Palistine.info has loyally given a correction in the newspaper "trouw" Pelle is putting the question, what is excessive exactly? Is it relative when Israel shoots back with the same primitive rockets as Hamas does; is it proportional to cause as many dead and wounded as Hamas? Is it only valid for civilians, or does this include combatants as well? Should Israel only counterattack when Hamas has hit a school?
Pelle writes; Since Israel pulled back in 2005 from the Gaza strip, Hamas has launched more then 6000 mortars and missiles on Israel territory of which 3000 alone the past year. Hamas's idea was to kill as much as possible civilians and to create unliveable conditions in southern Israel. Despite the small number of fatal casualties, these mortars make life unbearable for hundreds of thousands civilians. What's more is that the missiles are getting better and can reach by now cities like Ashdod and Beersheba with a population of 500.000 plus.
Real peace.
It is indeed very prejudiced to declare Israel as "big bad wolf". However, that may be, this does by no way means that the Israeli violence should be underrated or that violence should be treated as a negotiator. Howard Bass, president of the Jewish- messianic church Nehilat Yeshua in Beersheba shows an alternative way in the prior mentioned Reformed journal. "Israel has the right to defend itself against any terrorist organisation who made very clear from its beginning what's its intentions are. Yet I do hope that more people in Israel will realise that without Christ there can never be real peace. Real peace can only find its way when people change their feelings and outlook.
Revival, not a goal as such. (1)
For some tens of years already revival has had an important focus in our evangelical surroundings. Moreover, to some it is revival per se that has become the goal to attain. Notwithstanding that spiritual renewal and a deepening in our relation with God are excellent phenomena to obtain, it should never become a goal as such, as we have witnessed happening the last decennia.
Numerous are the prophetical messages delivered concerning a great end time revival, at times even accompanied with times and dates. Extravagant landscapes painted out of a victorious church replenishing the ends of earth. Nurtured by these high expectations all kinds of sensational manifestations and movements have risen. To some this is a herald of a coming dawn; others recognise the same phenomena as a moral fall of church and society, embracing the idea of an approaching judgement. What is the word of God in these latter days?
End time revival!
However, some misinterpretations concerning revival could blind us in relation to bible understanding upon Gods actions. First, there is an unfounded and exaggerated expectation concerning this end time revival. As the word reveals, Gods' Spirit works in and through the church until all nations have received the testimony of the gospel and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matt24.14). So God may give revival right unto the last day. The bible however never gave any End time revival prophecy, on the contrary; Gods' word predicts a wide-ranging abandonment of faith. Paul is crystal-clear in delivering this prophecy, that previous to Christ's' return a great desertion is expected. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition (2 Thess 2.3). He has delivered this as a point of recognition in Gods' salvation plan, Even the Lord Jesus has clearly stated this and then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Matt. 24:10-12).
Revival as goal.
Secondly, is it really the proper action to put revival at the centre of our goals? We may find revival eight times in the word and only one time it talks about Gods' work (Hab 3.2). Still it never had the details of a mass event as we imagine today. Investigating 18th 19th century revivals it seems that the focus was not really upon the word or event of revival; it was conviction and contrition that moved people towards repentance and rebirth. Out of this, one received a relation with God, the work of the Holy Ghost and sanctification in his life. The focus was on the deprivation of man and want of the church. Today the focus is on revival itself, often-specifying new experiences and exhilaration. Penitence and broken-heartedness are unpopular subjects these days, and considered as unhealthy psychological useless ballast. Contrition denied, sanctification is seen as an attack upon one's personal freedom. Notwithstanding there is this continual craving for revival, the seriousness of the entire situation seems uncomprehended.
Spirit and Judgement
A third misinterpretation is that revival is Gods' only way to restore his church and that Judgement is not viable. Be as it may, a mighty work of the Spirit and judgement goes biblically together. When John describes the work of Christ in Matthew 3, he expounds that the Christ shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: … (Matt 3.12). This verse rightfully designates a revival-promise; nevertheless, the idea of fire is unjustly translated as being fiery for God, having an enthusiasm caused by the Spirit, and a consuming strength.
In fact, chapter three uses the word fire three times (verses 10, 11, 12). Moreover, indicates clearly judgement and extermination of all wrong. Indeed the word fire conveys this idea all over the New Testament. The baptism of the Holy Ghost-God's omnipresence in the church and his children accompanies perpetually His condemning of sin; this is the baptism of fire as biblically comprehended.
Revival is not a goal as such (2)
If we desire for the Holy Spirit to work in us, we will needful accept Gods' judgement upon sin in our lives. The fire of our chastening, burning the chaff of our lives, is a painful process and antagonizes our good-sense-Christendom. Nonetheless, it is a prime condition for revival. Do we have the courage allowing the fire to chasten and purify us? Are we willing to burn our idols and impurities with which we sadden Him so often? When we desire the mighty outpouring of His Spirit, yet we do not disconnect our idols, it could turn out disastrous. Ask Ananias and Saphirah, they will tell you (Acts 5.1-11).
The option of Judgement.
The same counts for the church, are we willing to allow the word of God to sound again, offending and chasing away certain friends? Are we ready to abandon every blemish previously allowed into the fire of God? How can we pray for Gods' working in our midst, and still hang on to sin and disobedience. Do we really realise the depths we have fallen? As some of the seven churches where under condemnation (Rev. 2 & 3). How can we think to escape? Judgement is a definite option! Nevertheless, Gods judgement upon his people is equally mercy. The history of Israel is proof of this. The judgements fire is used to chasten his people, to repent and turn them around.
Revival trough judgement.
Our degenerate western Christendom shows no signs of revival whatsoever. Even there's more opportunity for Judgement then revival. Be that as it may, isn't the church salvation hidden in this fact? A.W. Tozer said more then thirty years ago that a great revival of Christendom in its present state would cause a Moral tragedy. Today, his words are true more then ever; the church doesn't longer need what it had before, it needs a shaking, it needs a wakening, it needs drastic measure to sift the wheat from the chaff. Only then, there will be room for revival, not as gigantic and spectacular as imagined, yet deep and profoundly in every aspect of our lives, accompanied with persecution and suffering. What we expect is the fire of trials, used by God cleansing His church. Already we recognise the first tokens of these perilous days. Yet it is trough this pressure The Lord will cause a tremendous renewal in his body; As He did in china and other nations where repression rules. Revival should never be the goal, and is no means. Revival is a grace given by God, whenever his children truly submit and repent, when his children allow Gods' correction in their lives.
A. Creed
B. Vision
C. Objective
D. Building the church
E. Membership
A. Creed:
Evangelical Mission Flanders is a comunity of people who concider Jesus Christ to be their
personal Saviour & Redeemer, and choose to live according the directives by "The
We believe in the Holy Trinity: Father - Son - Holy Spirit, these three are one.
We believe in the creation and the fall of the first human couple, including the consequences for all humanity, namely the original sin.
We believe the incarnation (Jesus brought into this world) of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in the atonement and redemption completed on the cross for all people who believe in Him, His death on the cross and His bodily resurrection.
We believe that all humanity can be saved, but only through faith in Jesus Christ, without the addition of our own works.
We believe in conversion and rebirth through the Holy Spirit, as well as in sanctification unto perfection in Christ, through the obedience of faith.
We believe in the necessity of conscious water baptism of believers.
We also believe in the administration of the Holy Communion in memory of Jesus' death on the cross, resurrection and second coming.
We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit accompanied by the Scriptural signs of speaking in tongues (glosolallie).
We believe in Divine healing of the sick through the laying on of hands, as well as in casting out demons (evil spirits) in the name of Jesus.
We believe in the Biblical offices of apostle-prophet-evangelist-teacher-pastor, for the edification of the body of Jesus Christ. To help believers mature spiritually and learn how to serve each other and the Lord.
We also believe in the second coming of Jesus and the rapture of believers before the start of the millennium on earth. In eternal bliss for all the children of God, and eternal punishment for all sinners.
B. Vision:
1. Building the local church.
2. Correctly handeling the word of truth.
3. Start a training-centre.
4. Establishing, confirming, equiping and supporting churches and leaders.
5. Emphasize mission-work.
C. Objective:
The two most important aspects of this congregation are:
1.Bringing the gospel for salvation of all mankind.
2.Growth of sence of comunity within the congregation and keeping an eye one on
There are two clear directory's within the Godly gift manifestation:
1. Outwards : The direct relation to the world.
2. Inwards : Supporting and building the spiritual life ofthe congregation.We are asuming
every believer has received his gifts to accomplish his task within the body of Christ (1
Cor.12 : 28-31). These gifts are: Powers -healing -helping -governments - diversity of
tongues -interpretation of tongues -faith -prophecie's -distinction of spirits -wisdom
-knowledge -hospitality -giving -teaching -admonition -serving -make music -witnessing,
"As every man hath received the gift , evenso minister the same one to another , as good stewards of the manyfold grace of God." (1Pe 4:10)
For this we want to leave room according to the wil of our Lord Jesus. We want to leave room also to do mission-work in Africa ,Asia and where ever the Lord
may guide us in our vision.
We want to give an Apostolic base in this congregation by going out and through implantation of (house)-churches according to the mission-ordaining of the Lord Jesus Christ.
D. Building the church:
"And He gave some, apostles ; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists ; and some pastors & teachers; for the perfecting of the saints , for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body" (Eph 4:11-12.)
The church is build upon the foundation of apostles & prophets(Eph.2:20)meaning the revelation of the foundation Jesus Christ(1Cor.3:11.)through apostles and prophets. Even the vision of this congregation has been revealed by external prophets and apostles,
where we would like to build upon this base that has been put there by Jesus Christ . The essential capacity of leadership has been confirmed within church ,knowing this we want to work under guidance of the great Buildingmaster Jesus , to build His church.Every sunday there is a reunion with worship, praise, preaching and ministry. Music & singing are all essential. The meetings have no structure cause to the freedom of the Holy Spiritn wich is highly esteemed, meaning revelation & prophecy's. Wednesday-eve there are prayermeetings or biblestudy's.
We do not enforce a membership unto the people who are comming to the meetings.
Persons who take a membership need to feel the calling for supporting the vision God gave this church.
Everybody is a prospect for 6 months before he/she can apply for membership. This stimulates to make good and firm contacts. It is essential that whoever is becomming member he/she can find themselves within the church-vision, meaning that people are willing to give a full 100% to do the work that God has started within this church. So not only is it important that you are a child of the living God, but also you are agreeing and willing to fullfill God's vision within this congregation
.Everybody is welkom to participate as a guest, visitor or friend. However, to have a voice and to function within the living organism guided by the Holy Spirit need's a bit more than only visiting our congregation "once in a while". Basic condition's are :re-birth, adult water-baptism by submurgion, baptism or strive to be baptised with the Holy Spirit, and:theoreticly subscribing the church-vision,and axcepting the leadership ordained by God. Concidering the offering's:
we are based upon the biblical principal of 10%of your wage VOLUNTARELY.
Concidering fundamental biblical toppics: there is a basic study given periodically